Why Leveling Systems are Crucial


Welcome to Tilers Place, your go-to resource for everything tiling. Founded by Carl Anders, with over 25 years of experience in the field, we’re here to share our expertise on one of the most crucial aspects of tiling – leveling. Today, we’re diving into the world of tile leveling systems, a game-changer for achieving that flawless finish. Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or a seasoned pro, understanding the best tile leveling system can transform your work.

Why Leveling Systems are Crucial

Before we dive into the specifics, let’s chat about why a top-notch tile leveling system matters. Uneven tiles are not only an eyesore but can lead to long-term issues with your flooring or walls. To combat this, tile leveling systems were born, making lippage a thing of the past and ensuring every tile is perfectly aligned.

Types of Leveling Systems

There’s a plethora of tile leveling systems out there, each with its merits and drawbacks. From spinners to wedges, the variety is vast. But fear not, we’ve tested a multitude, and we’re here to break down the ones that stand out from the rest.


Our top pick for the best tile leveling system has to be the spinner type. Why? They’re easy to use, highly effective across various tile types, and they provide a direct feel for the pressure being applied, minimizing the risk of tile damage.


Wedges come in as a close second, especially when budget considerations come into play. They’re effective and affordable, though they might require a bit more finesse to avoid tile shifting during installation.

Our Top Picks

Let’s talk brass tacks – our favorites. After extensive hands-on testing and real-world application, we’ve honed in on a couple of systems that consistently deliver outstanding results.

The spinner systems stand out for their ease of use and effectiveness, particularly for large-format tiles. They provide a tactile experience that allows for precise control, which is crucial for achieving a smooth, flat surface without lippage.

On the other hand, wedge systems offer a robust solution for those on a tighter budget. While they might require a bit more effort to tighten, they’re a solid choice for various tiling projects, offering a balance of affordability and performance.

Choosing the Right System

Deciding on the best tile leveling system depends on a few factors. Consider the type of tile you’re working with, the size of the project, and of course, your budget. For large-format tiles, spinners might be your best bet. But if cost is a concern, wedges offer a viable alternative.

Remember, no two tiling jobs are the same. What works wonders in one scenario might not be the perfect fit in another. It’s all about finding the right tool for the job at hand.

Tips for Successful Leveling

Having the best tile leveling system in your arsenal is only part of the equation. Proper technique is key to making the most of these tools. Here are a few tips from our decades of experience.

  • Preparation is Key: Ensure your surface is clean and level before starting. Any discrepancies in the substrate can undermine even the best leveling system.
  • Apply Even Pressure: Whether you’re using spinners or wedges, applying consistent pressure is crucial for achieving a level surface.
  • Patience Pays Off: Rushing a tiling job rarely ends well. Take your time, especially when tightening your leveling system to avoid shifting tiles out of place.

Concluding Thoughts

At Tilers Place, we’ve spent years fine-tuning our craft, and we believe that a great tile leveling system is indispensable for achieving professional-level results. Whether you opt for spinners or wedges, remember that technique and patience are your best friends in tiling.

The quest for the best tile leveling system might seem daunting, but armed with the right information and a bit of practice, you’ll be laying tiles like a pro in no time. Happy tiling!

Choosing the Right System

Which is the best tile leveler?

At Tilers Place, we’ve had the opportunity to work with a wide range of tile leveling systems over the years. From our extensive experience, spinners have consistently proven themselves as the top performers. They stand out for their user-friendly design, which is suitable for various tile types and sizes. What makes spinners the best, in our opinion, is their ability to provide direct feedback on the pressure being applied. This minimizes the risk of over-tightening and potentially cracking the tiles. It’s a bit like finding that perfect Goldilocks zone – not too tight, not too loose, just right. Spinners give you that tactile feedback that’s crucial when you’re aiming for perfection.

Do tile leveling systems work?

Absolutely, tile leveling systems work, and how! I’ve seen the transformation firsthand, from frustratingly uneven surfaces to smooth, aesthetically pleasing finishes that last. The key is in how these systems minimize lippage – that annoying variation in height between adjacent tiles. By ensuring an even leveling pressure across the tiles as the adhesive sets, they not only enhance the visual appeal but also contribute to the longevity of the flooring or wall tiling. It’s not just about making the surface look good on day one; it’s about keeping it looking good years down the line.

What is the difference between spin and wedge tile leveling system?

The main difference lies in their mechanism and usability. Spinners use a screw-like action to adjust the height and level the tiles, providing a direct feel for how much pressure is being applied. This allows for precise control, which is especially beneficial for large-format tiles where even slight discrepancies can be glaring. Wedges, on the other hand, employ a simple yet effective method where wedges are pushed into adjoining clips to level the tiles. They’re cost-effective and versatile but might require a bit more effort and finesse to avoid tile shifting. Each has its place, and the choice often comes down to personal preference, project specifics, and budget considerations.

What is the best way to keep tiles level?

The cornerstone of keeping tiles level lies in the preparation stage. Start with a clean, even substrate to ensure there’s a solid foundation. Choosing the right tile leveling system for your specific project plays a crucial role as well. Combine this with consistent pressure application and a dash of patience, especially when tightening your leveling system. It’s not just about the tools you use; it’s about how you use them. And remember, rushing can be the enemy of perfection. Take your time, and don’t hesitate to make minor adjustments as needed. This approach not only helps keep your tiles level but also contributes significantly to the overall quality and durability of your tiling work.

How important is surface preparation before tiling?

Surface preparation is not just important; it’s essential. A well-prepared surface is the foundation of any successful tiling project. An uneven or dirty base can cause a myriad of problems, from lippage to tiles not adhering properly, which could lead to failure of the installation over time. I always emphasize the importance of taking the time to ensure your surface is as perfect as can be before starting. This includes leveling the floor or wall and cleaning it from any debris or substances that could interfere with the adhesive. It’s a step that should never be skipped or rushed.

Does the size of the tile influence the choice of leveling system?

Indeed, the size of the tile greatly influences the choice of leveling system. Larger format tiles, which are increasingly popular for their sleek look, invariably require a leveling system that can handle their weight and size without causing lippage. Here, spinners shine due to their ability to apply even pressure across a larger surface area. For smaller tiles, both spinners and wedges can be effective, but the precision control of spinners can sometimes be overkill. The project’s scale and the tile’s dimensions should always guide your leveling system choice.

What are common misconceptions about tile leveling systems?

One common misconception is that tile leveling systems are only for amateurs or those new to tiling. Nothing could be further from the truth. Even seasoned professionals can benefit from the consistency and efficiency these systems bring to a project, especially with challenging layouts or large-format tiles. Another misconception is that they can compensate for a poorly prepared surface. While leveling systems are incredibly helpful, they’re most effective when combined with thorough preparation and technique. They’re a tool in your arsenal, not a magic wand.


  • Ceramic Tile Education Foundation – A non-profit organization dedicated to the development of a strong and sustainable ceramic tile industry.
  • Tile Council of North America – An organization that establishes industry standards for tile installation and provides education and training resources.
  • This Old House – A trusted resource for home improvement advice, including tips on tile installation and leveling systems.